Assessor: Credits and Exemptions
Below are some of the most common property tax credits and exemptions. You can find forms for these and many more on the Iowa Department of Revenue website.
Forms can be returned to our office by regular mail or emailed directly to the Assessor at thomas@mahaskacountyia.gov. Please include your contact information on the form.
Business Property Tax Credit
For commercial or industrial properties used as a business unit. Deadline for filing is July 1; credits signed after July 1 are applied for the following assessment year.
Homestead Credit (Regular or Disabled Veteran)
For those who both own and occupy their home in Mahaska County. Deadline for filing is July 1; credits signed after July 1 are applied for the following assessment year.
Disabled veterans will need to supply a copy of their DD214 and a benefits letter dated within the last twelve months. If you have questions about qualifying, please contact the Mahaska County Veteran’s Affairs Office at 641-673-7727.
Military Exemption
For those who served in a qualifying time period. Deadline for filing is July 1; credits signed after July 1 are applied for the following assessment year.
A DD214 recorded in Mahaska County is required for this exemption. If you have questions about qualifying, please contact the Mahaska County Veteran’s Affairs Office at 641-673-7727.
Family Farm Tax Credit
For those who own and operate their farms. Active farmers include the property owner's son/daughter, sister/brother, aunt/uncle, niece/nephew, or grandparents. Deadline for filing is November 1; credits signed after November 1 are applied for the following assessment year.